EMI Stereo Microphone

Based of LOM Audio’s Elektrosluch, this Electro Magnetic Interference microphone allows you to capture the magical world of electricity and circuitry. With a redesign of the open source files, this microphone packs the same punch but at a more affordable price point. Comes with a fully 3D printed enclosure available in multiple colors. Purchase Here.



LaunchMix V.2.1

Built on Livid Instruments Brain Platform

40 rotational potentiometers

8 slide potentiometers


About the LaunchMix V.2.1

Using Poplar stained to a Maple tone, this new body adds much needed life into the LaunchMix. During this upgrade I replaced the right pot bank with a new circuit board. To learn more about the LaunchMix scroll down to V.2




8 100mm slide pots

8 Sanwa Arcade Buttons

Anodized aluminum face plate

Box jointed maple body


About the Atom8

This controller was my first attempt at many different things regarding fabrication and design. Using Teensy2.0 and Arduino programming, the controller can be easily reprogrammed for different CC and note values.

This project for me was a proof on concept that you can have a very basic controller but have it look very clean and pretty. This was my first time doing Box Joints on a machine rather than with a chisel set so it was quite the experience. To finish off the Aesthetic, an anodized aluminum face plate was laser cut to perfect dimensions.

The frame work built off of this controller allows me to expand out in the future to more interesting user inputs like accelerometers and 3 dimensional gyros



LaunchMix V.2

Built on Livid Instruments Brain Platform

40 rotational potentiometers

8 slide potentiometers


About the LaunchMix V.2

The LaunchMix started out as a concept in 2013 to combine a mixer with launchpad interface. The original LaunchMix was built spring of 2016 for my Senior Project. The original concept consisted of a large box with two 4 channel mixers to the side with another 32 arcade buttons on top for more toggle functionality. The launchpad would rest in the middle of all the controllers.

After completing this first version I immediately started improve upon the over all design and direction I wanted this controller to go into. After a year at school I decided to reduce the overall size of the mixer to create something much more portable.

The LaunchMix V.2 was built fall of 2017. This reiteration kept the core features and functionality but stripped down the bulk. This design has proven to more practical for daily use but I would like reduce the size one more time and have it be much more low profile. In conjunction with using and Midi Fighter 64 and a Wii remote, my live set has evolved into a more interactive production.